



Parishioners! is the new internet TV site for the Sisters of Providence of

St. Vincent de Paul, Kingston, Ontario.


Through these twelve internet videos and lesson plans, you will discover much about religious community life today and, in particular, how it is lived through members of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.


How the original founding charism has deepened and
broadened as Sisters continue to serve the poor with compassion, trusting in Providence, walking in hope.


In ministries of food security, ecology, seeds preservation. Through prayer and liturgy. In schools and parishes. Through the offer of spiritual guidance and companionship.


And finally, you will discover how you can become involved with us as a lay associate, a professed sister, a volunteer.


So come on a journey. Find out about us. It’s a way of life that is deeply fulfilling. An answer, perhaps, for those seeking something deeper, more committed, out of life. Maybe you are one of them.




Watch the videos below! Check out their lesson plans!

Each of the program squares link you to a video and its lesson plan.

Just want to see the videos by themselves? Try the ProvidenceSistersTV Youtube link below.












To view these movies you need Flash Player. Free download at: