Program Six: Integrity of Creation


Activism and spiritual direction underpin the Sisters’ commitment to eco justice and education.



An overview of the history of Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul.





  • Videos:

Program Six: Integrity of Creation


  • Documents:
Earth Charter Click Here


  • Websites:

Sisters of Providence Click Here

CRC: JPIC Click Here




Study Guide




The goal of Program Six is to describe the work of the Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation office.



1. Show the video "Program Six: Integrity of Creation"


2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:

  • Why are the Sisters of Providence committed to the ecology?
  • In what ways do the Sisters of Providence spread the word
    about ecology?
  • What is the Earth Charter?
  • How should one reduce their ecological footprint?


3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet, find more facts about:

  • Heirloom Seed Sanctuary?
  • The office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
  • Ways to get involved in integrity of creation within your
  • How Canadian Catholics can support the work of Sisters of Providence.