World Religions
Children of Abraham
Jews, Christians, Muslims. They are each people of one God, the same God. They share one founding father in faith, Abraham. Today's descendants of Abraham are discovering their common ground and in doing so, are also finding much to enrich their own faiths.
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The origins and early history of Judaism go back more than 3,500 years, to the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and God’s revelation to them.
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The mainstream Christian belief is that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human and the saviour of humanity.
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For Islam, the Koran is the definitive revelation of God to humanity. The Koran is believed to be, not the record of God's revelation but the very revelation itself.
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The Holy City
Jerusalem is a holy city of pilgrims from Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
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A Place of Beauty and Suffering
Jerusalem is the city where the joys, and the sufferings, and the aspirations, and the hopes of the human family come together and meet.
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Prayers for Peace
Jerusalem has always been a source of war over twenty centuries. Therefore the role of religious leaders should be a role of dialogue of mutual understanding.
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The Desert
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all born on the margins of the great deserts of Asia and the Middle East.
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The Call of God
All three religions see themselves as the recipients of the revelation of God. This revelation, whether it be through Moses, Jesus or Muhammad, is declared in the sacred scriptures of each religion, and has lead each of these faiths to venerate their scriptures as the word of God.
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The Word: Judasim, Christianity
For Judaism, the Hebrew bible is both the record and substance of God's revelation and covenant with Israel. For Christians, their sacred scripture is made up of both the Hebrew bible, referred to as the Old Testament, and the Christian scriptures, referred to as the New Testament.
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The Word: Islam
For Islam, the Koran is the definitive revelation of God to humanity. The Koran is believed to be, not the record of God's revelation but the very revelation itself.
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Covenant and Reality
A casual glance at how Christianity, Islam and Judaism interact reveals a stunning gap between the ideals of each religion, and the reality of how its adherents live and treat one another.
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From Holy Land to North America
The people of rural Malawi learn to survive and thrive as they battle the effects of HIV/AIDS and its impact on food security.
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The Fundamentalists
Within all three religions, there are strands of religious fundamentalism which promote an exclusivist understanding of revelation.
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The Living Spirit
Throughout the world, the relationship among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam seem poised to enter a new era. In the west, changing immigration patterns and changing social values, especially in Canada, are leading to the emergence of a pluralistic, multi-faith culture.
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