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World Mission Sunday




World Mission Sunday:

the third Sunday in October


Every year on the third Sunday of October, parishioners around the world join together to celebrate the world’s 1,200 missionary dioceses. The celebration includes prayer and donations to a special collection taken up in every parish.


With this new site, we invite you to make the fifteen programs featured here, along with their study guides, as your special Mission Awareness project. How about doing one a week in a group, for six weeks leading up to World Mission Sunday, and then for six weeks after?



More about World Mission Sunday


World Mission Sunday encourages prayer and financial support for the missionary work of the Catholic Church throughout the world. It enables the Gospel, the Good News, to reach millions who have yet to hear it and it supports many who daily experience a significant lack of basic needs. World Mission Sunday unites Catholics all over the world in prayer and mutual support both material and spiritual. Accordingly every parish and diocese throughout the world from the poorest to the most affluent celebrates this day on the third Sunday in October.


Each contributes to the universal solidarity fund which is then shared among countries according to their need. Monies raised in Canada, supported newly formed dioceses in Tanzania, Ecuador, Papua, New Guinea, Indonesia and Albania. (Please see www.missionsocieties.ca)



The needs of the missionary Church are great


The needs of the missionary Church are great and support is essential for:

  • New dioceses
  • New seminaries to accommodate the increase in vocations
  • The rebuilding of areas that have been devastated by natural disaster and/or war
  • The rebuilding of the Church in countries that have not been able to hear the Gospel in the recent past



Please join us


Please join the universal Church in its effort to bring faith and hope to our brothers and sisters in mission countries. World Mission Sunday is a natural opportunity for us to join with parishes around the world in reaching out to those in need of spiritual and material assistance. The prayers and contributions of our parishioners are vital to the day to day work of the missionary Church. Your support provides places of prayer and worship, improved health care and education for the poor of the world and support for missionaries. Your efforts provide for the training of thousands of catechists who teach, share and support the faith. Why does the Society for the Propagation of the Faith (SPF) coordinate World Mission Sunday? Since 1926 the pope has entrusted SPF to coordinate World Mission Sunday. It is the only organization which supports every mission diocese throughout the world in their journey to become self sufficient. SPF works through local bishops, churches and missionary congregations to ensure that resources are distributed fairly on the basis of need.


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