Creation and Spirituality

At times beautiful, at times awe-inspiring, creation informs our spirituality and invites us to take responsibility for its health and vibrancy
- not only for this for this generation, but all generations to come.



Program Nine: Creation and Spirituality





Study Guide


The goal of Program Nine is to introduce to the seventh theme of the CCCB document “Building a New Culture – Central Themes in Recent Church Teaching on the Environment” about the created world inviting a sense of mystery and awe.


1. Show the video "Program Nine: Creation and Spirituality”

2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:

  • What is the seventh theme of the document and why is it important?
  • How does the natural environment bring wonder and awe into your life?
  • What did you know after viewing the video that you didn't know before?
  • Which quote from what pope in this episode means the most to you and why?

3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet links offered here, find more facts about:

  • Existing Catholic eco justice initiatives
  • The writings of Popes on the environment

4. Write 1.5 pages on the results of your research.

5. Group discussion

In groups, first share your short essays and then, asking one person to represent the discussion, make presentations to the class about any or all of the above.
Include suggestions on how students could start an ongoing eco justice project or become involved with local Catholic eco justice projects already in existence.