Program Three: Welcoming Associates

The Sisters invite lay men and women, Catholic and non-Catholic to join in their ministries and underlying charism and spirituality.







  • Program Three: Welcoming Associates










Study Guide




The goal of Program Three is to illustrate the history of the Sisters’ Associates program and its activities today.



1. Show the video "Program Three: Welcoming Associates"


2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:

  • Who are the Providence Associates?
  • What is the process of being an Associate?
  • How can Associates contribute to society?
  • Why do the Sisters of Providence need to have Associates?


3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet, find more facts about:

  • Missions Statement of Providence Associates
  • Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul
  • Places the Providence Associates live out their charism.
  • How Canadian Catholics can support the work of Sisters of Providence.