Presenting Fr. Tony Bidgood, CSsR.


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The Ascension

On the feast of the Ascension, we like to imagine Jesus ascending into the clouds and being seated at the right hand of God. We imagine choirs of angels, flowing, robes – all clean, sanitized, holy and powerful images. But if we look into the human heart for Jesus, we see something much different.

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Taking a Knee

When we genuflect to the real presence, we are demonstrating our reverence for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We are holding dear the incarnation of God in Jesus who became one of us to share our life: a life of hope, dreams, joy, and a life of pain, suffering, injustice, and death.

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The Holy Family

The Holy family is holy, not because they were perfect and always had halos.  They were Holy because they were God’s, according to the writer Jean Allen.  She goes on to say that the Holy Family was consecrated to God, they had moments of belief and moments of doubt, moments of joy and moments of fear, moments of security and moments of insecurity, moments of faith and moments of doubt and questioning.  Just like our families!

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Sacrament of Anointing

The Sacrament of Anointing, reveals with great clarity, the purpose of the Church … to show the transforming and salvific love and care of Christ. To show that Christ is present to us in hard as well as easy days, the bad and the good, the dark and the light. It shows that because Christ is present to us, then Christ will transform such times and bring a transformative love to them.

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Pastoral Care of the Sick Over Generations

It is important to remember that even though circumstances do not always allow for things to happen as we want as people prepare to die, but God’s grace is unrestrained and will always find a way to work in the life and death of a person.

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How Anointing the Sick Came To Be

It is important to understand
that the theological thrust of
the Sacrament of Anointing is this:
discovering the presence
of God in the midst of sickness.

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Defining Family

Fr. Tony Bidgood, CSsR
Edmonton-Toronto Redemptorists:

Fr. Tony Bidgood explains how being a Christian family gives its members a sense of belonging but with a difference: "Jesus suggests that, with him, the bond of a spiritual relationship, guided by hearing his word and acting upon it, can be even more powerful that a familial relationship."

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Eucharist Means Thanksgiving

The food you ate this morning is powering the systems in your body.  The bread and wine of the Eucharist follows the same path … it is Jesus Christ, fully human and fully God, who lived and died out of love for us, who merges himself into our very own flesh and bone.

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